KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast
Kelly M Beard shares her Karmic Tools Forecast as a weekly podcast, posted every weekend. It covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Kelly is a Shamanic Astrologer and Earth Medicine Practitioner who specializes in cycles and patterns. She loves to discuss how these energies tend to manifest and share guidance on how to direct the energies on your own behalf. Tuning-in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful guide as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social and Collective Story.
KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast
Special :: LEO Gate of Power :: FIRE Ceremony :: Energetic Support, Activations + Divinations
Special Update from Kelly:
We get together every 6-weeks, at the Turn of the Wheel, to Honor the Sacred Seasons as we move throughout the year, intentionally and as a Community.
Join us next time at FALL Equinox on Sept 22nd!
Here I cover the:
Seasonal Overview
Energetic Support
Special Activations
#gateofpower #crossquarter #sacredseasons #leo #aquarius #taurus #scorpio #shamanism #kellymbeard #shamanicastrology #transits #earthmedicine #energeticsupport #karmictools